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MLA Style Guide: 8th Edition: Home

About This Guide

The good news: The 8th edition of the MLA Handbook makes citing A LOT easier for you as a student!

The bad news: MLA has made substantial changes to how citations are formed between the 7th edition and 8th edition, so even if you already know MLA style you will want to take a look at this guide because you will need to relearn a fair amount.

As always, get in touch with your librarian if you need help.

Works Cited

The Works Cited page appears at the end of your paper/project and provides detailed information on all sources cited In-text.


In-Text CitationsIn-text citations are brief references to your sources and indicate where the information came from and when it was published. They appear in the body of your work. 

MLA Handbook
The MLA handbook provides answers to a variety of difficult  MLA citation and formatting questions.         


Noodle Tools Is an easy to use web-based program that uses fill-in forms that will enable you to quickly put together a  reference page for your citations.



MLA 8th Edition: Major Changes

  • Omitted, Deleted, Done Away With: 
    • Medium of publication (e.g. Web, Print) 
    • Place of publication  
    • Date a webpage was accessed. [Optional: ask your instructor!]
    • n.d. (to signify no date found) and n.p. (to signify no publisher or sponsor found)
  • Added or Expanded: 
    • Label volume and issue numbers as vol. and no.(It's vol. 41, no. 7; not 41.7)
    • Include the url, minus http:// or https://, unless your instructor tells you otherwise.
    • When possible, citing a DOI (digital object identifier) is preferable to citing a URL.
    • Pseudonyms, including online handles and screen names, can now be used as authors' names.

More info on the changes can be found here, straight from the MLA itself.

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Most of the information and examples for this guide were taken from the MLA Handbook, 8th edition. Other sources used include MLA library guides from University of West Florida and Northeast Wisconsin Technical College

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