This guide is designed to help you find credible sources for your assignments in PS 425W.
Use the links below (or tabs at top) to explore various resources available through Hamersly Library:
Use these materials to help find general information about Native Americans in general and information about specific tribes.
Databases are collections of online journals that you can search to find articles relevant to your research topic. You'll also find a number of journals you can search individually.
Books can be valuable resources -- if you know how to search for them. See this page to learn more about finding books relevant to your research topic.
There are a number of credible websites you can use to explore a topic further. The websites listed on this page are recommended by your instructor.
Please feel free to contact me for help with your research. You can find my contact information in the box to the right.
Information Desk student staff are ready to help you during all library hours.
Depending on the complexity of your question, they may forward it to librarians or staff.