Results in Google Scholar will be displayed with one of several notations (on the right hand side):
- Find it @WOU - clicking this link will take you to the article in WOU's databases or journals.

- [HTML] - clicking this link will often take you to a free version of the article.

- [PDF] - clicking this link will often take you to a free version of the article. It might also link to the
publisher's website or a scholarly social network site, both of which might block you from getting a full text copy of the article. If this happens, copy and paste the title into the search box on the library's home page ( Or you can submit an interlibrary loan request, which will take 1-3 days to be delivered to your Inbox

- No notation at all. You can try copying and pasting the title into the search box on the library's home page ( Or you can submit an interlibrary loan request, which will take 1-3 days to be delivered to your Inbox
Clicking on the title usually takes you to the publisher's website, where you'll be asked to pay $25-$50 for the article. Never pay for an article. The WOU library can almost always get you what you need:
- Use Interlibrary Loan services
- Ask a librarian for help.