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Full Text in Google Scholar

Results in Google Scholar will be displayed with one of several notations (on the right hand side):

  • Find it @WOU - clicking this link will take you to the article in WOU's databases or journals.

Result from Google Scholar search. Arrow points to linked Find it @ WOU file.


  • [HTML] - clicking this link will often take you to a free version of the article.

Result from Google Scholar search. Arrow points to linked HTML file.


  • [PDF] - clicking this link will often take you to a free version of the article. It might also link to the
    publisher's website or a scholarly social network site, both of which might block you from getting a full text copy of the article. If this happens, copy and paste the title into the search box on the library's home page ( Or you can submit an interlibrary loan request, which will take 1-3 days to be delivered to your Inbox

Result from Google Scholar search. Arrow points to linked pdf file.


  • No notation at all. You can try copying and pasting the title into the search box on the library's home page ( Or you can submit an interlibrary loan request, which will take 1-3 days to be delivered to your Inbox

Result from Google Scholar. Arrow and text indicat there are no notations, 


Clicking on the title usually takes you to the publisher's website, where you'll be asked to pay $25-$50 for the article. Never pay for an article. The WOU library can almost always get you what you need:

  1. Use Interlibrary Loan services
  2. Ask a librarian for help.


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