They should be available on the ODE's Adopted Instructional Materials webpage. If they are not, please contact ODE directly.
The publishers have until December 6th to send their materials to the WOU library. Once the library receives them, some physical processing needs to occur. The library tries to make the new materials available for viewing by January 1st, with some larger collections not available until February 1st.
Yes, if you reach out to the publishers directly, they will provide samples and/or materials for a pilot. Please contact ODE for the publisher contact list.
The materials are located on the 2nd floor of the Hamersly Library in the OAIM section and are organized by LC call numbers. You are welcome to visit and view the materials during the library's open hours. Please check the library's website for current hours. To schedule a viewing in advance, please contact Brianna McFadden at
Every item listed on the publisher’s official price sheet should be available for viewing at the WOU Library.