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.German Resources Subject Guide: Films

Library and Internet resources useful for students of German language, literature, and culture.

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Using Subtitles

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Tip: Why search?  

You might be after a specific title, actor or director, or a looking for certain topic.

Using Subtitles

When they are available, you can run the subtitles track on DVDs to assist you in one of two ways:

  • display the English translation
  • display the written German to reinforce your understanding of the audio track. 

To turn on subtitles:

  1. Go to DVD's Main Menu.
  2. Subtitles option is often on the top level; otherwise look in Features or Options.
  3. Select the language you want to display in the subtitles.
  4. Play movie.


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Film titles link to Hamersly Library catalog for availability status and other information.  More film details, including genre and popularity, courtesy of The Internet Movie Database and linked with this icon: IMDb  Need help getting the subtitles?

VHS Tapes

Films On Demand

Films On Demand provides educational videos and performances in online streaming format. Use the filter on the left side to select German. Some of  the content here is in German, and some of those include English subtitles. 

German Language, Literature and Drama