Below are terms you can use to search for sources of information. Use each term alone or mix and match:
race racism racial profiling racial inequality race relations racial conflict civil rights institutional racism racism and the united states oppression social justice |
policing police brutality police tactics police shootings police militarization police training community policing complaints against police discrimination in law enforcement |
criminal justice system mass incarceration protests non-violent protest riots* demonstrations Black Lives Matter (Movement) youth protest movements urban development and white flight |
*Remember that although some search terms may be distasteful, you must think about what words the articles you are hoping to find would use to talk about an issue. Sometimes that means searching for words that you would not use yourself.
Use the terms above to search for articles and books in WOU's library database or choose one of the article databases below.
Also see the Books and Ebooks section for specific books of interest.
Provides online full-text access to the archives of more than 1300 scholarly journals, some of which date from the 19th century. JSTOR does not include recently published articles. Due to publisher restrictions, there is a gap, typically from 1 to 5 years, between the most recently published journal issue and the issues available in JSTOR.