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Alma (Library Staff)

Halloween books & movies @ the library: Home

Cozy Halloween Suggestions

Staying in this Halloween? Ride your broom to the library first and check out a scary book or movie                                                                               

This page lists some scary book and movie recommendations for all ages that are available right now in Hamersly Library.

If scary isn't your bag, but you're still planning to cozy up indoors this Halloween, try browsing our Recreational Collection. Or, tell us about your reading or viewing preferences in the form below and our librarians will send you some suggestions!

Books that say, "Boo!"

Halloween books for the young and young at heart @ Hamersly. Try searching for "Halloween" and limiting your search to Juvenile Fiction and/or Picture Books. Some examples:

Horror & Suspense for adults @ Hamersly. The books below are only a sample! Try searching for "horror" in Primo and limiting to books available at WOU.

Dark & Scary DVDs

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