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Alma (Library Staff)

LibKey Nomad: .

The LibKey Nomad browser extension gives you fast, one-click access to scholarly articles. 

Searching Google, PubMed, and other sites? The LibKey Nomad browser extension accelerates your work and helps you avoid paywalls when you encounter materials with a DOI or PMID (PubMed ID) on publisher websites, Wikipedia, and elsewhere on the open web. With the extension active, you’ll be quickly connected to the best access point for the material, whether it’s open access, through a library subscription, or via on-demand library purchasing or interlibrary loan request.

Hamersly Library has an LibKey evaluation period through the end of Spring term 2024

Choose your browser to get started now

Installing LibKey Nomad

1) Go to:

2) Choose your preferred browser, and follow the prompts to add the extension.

3) Ensure that the extension is turned on (active), and choose Western Oregon University as your organization

select Western Oregon University as your organization  

LibKey Nomad is now active and will automatically scan for full text articles.

LibKey Nomad works without any personal account (full Privacy Policy). You will still sign into the WOU Portal when necessary. 


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