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WOU Faculty & Staff Publications

Recent articles and books by authors at WOU.

About Faculty & Staff Publications

The Western Oregon University faculty are dedicated to teaching, and are active members of the research community. The Hamersly Library is proud to display these recent academic contributions by staff in our main lobby, and virtually for ease of viewing by the greater WOU community.

Faculty & Staff publications are typically updated twice per year:

  • Fall features new publications between March - September
  • Spring features new publications between October - February

In an attempt to represent all disciplines, new citations are identified via searches within our database packages (EBSCOhost, GALE, ProQuest, JSTOR, SAGE and SpringerLink), Google Scholar, and a general solicitation to staff/faculty prior to each cycle. If you have published in an academic resource during this period and you are not listed, please contact the Exhibits Coordinator, Chris Mansayon (

Typical URL Rules

  • Articles which are accessible from our library catalog have their EZProxy URL or library catalog permalink provided at the end of the citation.
  • Articles which are provided for free (Open Access) by their hosting journal, have their original URL/DOI linked.
  • Articles which are not provided for free by their hosting journal, and were not accessible from the library catalog at time of compilation have no linked URL/DOI.

Spring 2024

Barrio, B. L., Ferguson, S. L., Hovey, K. A., Boedeker, P., & Kluttz-Drye, B. (2023). Voices beyond the numbers: a systematic review of qualitative studies of disproportionality in special education. Preventing School Failure67(1), 39–47.

Barsky, C., & Camarillo, E. (2023). The impacts of politicization on public health workers: the COVID-19 pandemic in Oregon and Montana. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law48(6), 859–888.

Beaver, C. (2024). Adventures in cryptology: Exploration-worthy project topics. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies34(1), 13–31.

Bunger, A. C., Chuang, E., Girth, A. M., Lancaster, K. E., Smith, R., Phillips, R. J., Martin, J., Gadel, F., Willauer, T., Himmeger, M. J., Millisor, J., McClellan, J., Powell, B. J., Saldana, L., & Aarons, G. A. (2024). Specifying cross-system collaboration strategies for implementation: a multi-site qualitative study with child welfare and behavioral health organizations. Implementation Science : IS19(1), 13.

Camarillo, E., Kunze, S., & Pollard, C. (2024). How the media framed the COVID‐19 crisis on Native Nations: A case comparison of The New York Times and the Navajo Times. Social Science Quarterly105(1), 54–67.

Charest, A., Coté, B., & Heilman, W. (2023). The invisible solutions of the Rubik’s Cube. Mathematics magazine, 96(5), 508-515.

Coté, B., Cruz, A., Merrill, L., Moring, B., Rabosky, T., & Willmott, H. (2024). Crosswords counting conundrums. Math Horizons, 31(2), 23–25.

Driskell, S., Wheeler, A., Harrington, R., & Rhine, S. (2023). Mathematics teacher educators’ migration to emergency remote teaching during COVID-19. Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 11(1), 1-31.

Forbis, R. E., Gittner, L. S., Dennis, J. A., Stott, J. M., & Giese, J. T. (2023). Diversion: where do we go from here? Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 39(4), 633-635.

Gallego, M. Ángeles, & Giménez-Eguíbar, P. (2023). A/Al- inicial como identificador de arabismos en la "Recopilación" de Diego de Guadix. Revista Española de Lingüística, 53(2), 265-286.

Giménez-Eguíbar, P. (2024). “Se acordará de escribir a los pobres desterrados en este valle de dullness». Prácticas del translenguar en la correspondencia privada de María Amparo Ruiz de Burton,” in B. A. Cabrejas, R. Pichel and D. V. Balonga (Eds.), Escritura de mano de mujeres en el ámbito hispánico de la Edad Media a la Modernidad (pp. 511-536). Sílex Universidad.

Giménez-Eguíbar, P., López, C. G., Rodríguez, V. J. M., Aizpuru, L. M., & Romo, R. S. (Eds.) (2023). Despertar palabras, renacer historias. Estudios lingüísticos ofrecidos en homenaje a la profesora M.ª Nieves Sánchez González de Herrero. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca & Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.

Gittner, L. S., Dennis, J. A., & Forbis Jr., R. E. (2023). Diversion: a systems theory perspective. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice39(4), 471–490.

Harrington, R. James, J. & Quinn, K. (2024). Six steps to surviving a teaching emergency. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 12(2), 163-175.

Henkels, M. & Steel, B. (2024). Oregon 2023: entering the post-COVID world. California Journal of Politics and Policy, 16(1).

Hughes, H. (2024). [Review of the book The quickening: Creation and community at the ends of the Earth, by E. Rush]. New York Journal of Books.

Hughes, H. (2023). Live bait. Anglers Journal, 10(4), 48-48.

Hughes, H. (2023). Phoebe. Iron Horse Literary Review, 25(2), 46-46.

Hughes, H. (2023). There’s lovely. Pennsylvania Literary Journal, 15(3), 154-163.

Hughes, H. (2023). Three poems: Sergeant Dark joins the International Legion for Defense of Ukraine; The retired Colonel ties flies; Selbstmord, 1945. War, Literature & the Arts, 35.

Ibaraki, A. (2024). Promoting student well-being through classroom interventions. Teaching of Psychology51(1), 104–109.

Krahn, G., Cargill-Willis, K., Bersani, L., Moore, T., & Johnson, J. (2023). Recruiting the voices of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in policy development: priorities for health equity data. Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities61(5), 368–384.

Merrill, L., & Rabosky, T. (2024). Calculus cross-examination. Math Horizons, 31(2), 2–2.

Morrell, P., & Schepige, A. (2023). Teaching preservice teachers the water cycle with a conceptual change model. Journal of College Science Teaching52(7), 137–144.

Mwangi, F. M., Rintaugu, E. G., Toriola, A., Rotich, J., Wilson, M., Tian, X., & Takahashi, K. (2024). Relationship between self-evaluative components and moderating contextual factors among university student gymnasium exercisers. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 19(1), 53-67.

Ni, C.-F., Lundblad, R., Dykeman, C., Bolante, R., & Łabuński, W. (2023). Content analysis of psychological first aid training manuals via topic modelling. European Journal of Psychotraumatology14(2), 1–11.

Read, H., Zagorac, S., Neumann, N., Kramer, I., Walker, L., & Thomas, E. (2024). Occupational therapy: a potential solution to the behavioral health workforce shortage. Psychiatric Services. Advance online publication.

Rhine, S., Driskell, S.O., Harrington, R., &Wheeler, A. (2023). Innovations to support elementary mathematics teachers navigating digital curricula (Working Group). In T. Lamberg & D. Moss (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2 (pp. 641-643). University of Nevada, Reno.

Schwartz, J. W., Pierson, K. H., & Reece, A. K. (2023). Pitch affects human (Homo sapiens) perception of emotional arousal from diverse animal calls. Journal of Comparative Psychology.

Shahrokni, S. A. (2024). Facilitating task engagement through social interaction. In J. Egbert & P. Panday-Shukla (Eds.), Task engagement across disciplines: Research and practical strategies to increase student achievement. Routledge.

Shahrokni, S. A. (2024). Sprinkling enchanting pixie dust on teaching and learning with gamification. FLTMAG.

Sotnik, G., Shannon, T., & Wakeland, W. (2023). A new agent-based model offers insight into population-wide adoption of prosocial common-pool behavior. Journal of Mathematical Sociology47(4), 311–338.

Spoelstra, K., Teurlincx, S., Courbois, M., Hopkins, Z. M., Visser, M. E., Jones, T. M., & Hopkins, G. R. (2023). Long-term exposure to experimental light affects the ground-dwelling invertebrate community, independent of light spectra. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences378(1892), 1-7.

Stott, J. M., Giese, J. T., Gittner, L. S., Forbis Jr., R. E., & Dennis, J. A. (2023). Perspectives on  diversion in the criminal justice and health care systems. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice39(4), 464–470.

Topper, R., & Suhr-Sytsma, N. (2023). Introduction: poetics from the global South. Interventions: The International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 1–11. Advance online publication.

VanderPyl, T. (2023). Juvenile justice and the power of rural educators. In L. M. Yoho, & J. Moore (Eds.), Expanding the vision of rurality in the US educational system. IGI Global.

Wheeler, A., Harrington, R., Driskell, S., & Rhine, S. (2023). How COVID-19 changed our mathematics education instruction. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education in Texas, 13(2), 4-6.

Wu, L. & Carano, K. T. (2024). Reimagining the COVID-19 pandemic as a portal to justice for Asian American students. The Social Studies115(1), 34-46.

Wu, L. 吴林 (2024). Examining Chinese American teachers’ diasporic lives through empire and AsianCrit. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education. Advance online publication.

Wu, L., & Carano, K. T. (2024). Reimagining the COVID-19 pandemic as a portal to justice for Asian American students. Social Studies115(1), 34–46.

Yoho, L. M., VanderPyl, T., Oertle, K. M., Osmani, K., & Hawley, C. (2023). Fostering growth in muddy waters: Leading opportunities for transition under supervision for the employment of youth with disabilities. Journal of Rehabilitation, 89(3), 68-77.