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Library Information for WOU Faculty: Reserve a Room

Reserve a Room

In order to reserve one of the the library classrooms (HL 107 or 108), please contact Chris Mansayon at 
or 503-838-8441.


For Fall 2021

To facilitate scheduling of library instruction,  requests for classrooms HL 106, 107, 108, and the Mobile Laptop Cart that fall within the peak times* listed below will not be accepted until week 5 of the term.  Please fill out an instruction request form if you would like a librarian to provide information literacy instruction for your class.

*Peak Times are Monday-Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Thursday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m during weeks 1-7 of the term.

  • Reservation requests for times after 8 p.m., dates beyond week 7 of the term, and during weekend or intersession hours are accepted at any time. Please send these request to for approval.
  • We do retain a waiting list of room requests that fall within peak times.  At the beginning of week 5, the scheduling manager enters room requests into the system in the order they were received. Please send your request to
  • Please consider whether conference rooms 116 ,210, 205 or 301A (floor plans) suit your needs

Priorities for HL 106 & 108 computer labs:

  1. Other faculty use (up to four sessions per class per term)
  2. Open computer lab

Priorities for use of HL 107 classroom:

  1. Other faculty use (up to four sessions per class per term),
  2. Meetings, conferences and special presentations.
  3. Campus units, organizations, and club activities can be regularly scheduled after 8 p.m. and on weekends.

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