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Information Literacy Program at Western Oregon University

Information Literacy (Library Instruction) Request Form 
Submit requests at least two weeks in advance of desired session date.
 Include a PDF or Word Document of assignment to upload (required) 


Western Oregon University Library Instruction Program Overview

WOU's Instruction Librarians (Elizabeth Brookbank and Robert Monge) provide assignment-based library instruction delivered at students' point-of-need.

Our goal is an intentional, targeted, scaffolded library instruction program consisting of two tiers that avoids duplication while maintaining quality instruction in key areas of the curriculum with limited resources. Tier 1 and Tier 2 courses will receive priority instruction over all other classes in the WOU curriculum. Request for in-person instruction for non-tier classes will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  

Foundational Research (Tier 1):  FYS 107 and FYS 207 
FYS courses receive priority instruction because these courses are the only place information literacy is embedded in the WOU curriculum. They include a signature assignment that requires information literacy skills (specifically: find, evaluate, and use credible information), and nearly all students are required to take an FYS course. 

Advanced Research (Tier 2):  Department-selected Research Methods course (or equivalent)
One 200, 300, or 400 level research methods (or equivalent) course selected by each department/program can be designated as a priority Tier 2 course. The goal is to have a course where learning advanced, subject-specific research skills will have the highest impact for students and the program.   

Other Classes
Do you still need library instruction but you don’t teach a FYS or department-selected research methods course? We have a variety of alternatives to fit your needs. See the second part of the table below:

Library Instruction Options for FYS and
Department-Designated Research Methods (or Equivalent) Classes
In-person assignment-based instruction session at Hamersly Library computer lab.
Library Support Options for Other Classes
Research Guide 
An assignment-based research guide with appropriate resources and how-to guides that can be embedded in Canvas.
Library Lab
Lab sessions scheduled during class time with an instruction librarian on hand to answer assignment-based student questions but no formal instruction.




Elizabeth Brookbank  Robert Monge 
Professor-Instruction Librarian
Hamersly Library  
Associate Professor-Instruction Librarian
Hamersly Library  
503-838-8657 503-838-8887
Available for Zoom meetings Available for Zoom meetings 


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