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Information Literacy Program at Western Oregon University

Information Literacy (Library Instruction) Request Form 
Submit requests at least two weeks in advanced of desired session date.
Include a PDF or Word Document of assignment to upload (required) 


Library Instruction for First Year Seminar Courses 

Need some ideas in order to help fulfill the information literacy foundational skill (find, evaluate, and use credible information)? Here are a few options (any of which can be adapted to fit your assignment).   


Searching for Secondary Sources 101:
Understand how to find, evaluate, and use secondary sources such as websites, news articles, popular magazines, academic articles, etc. 


Popular Sources vs. Scholarly Sources:
Learn to find, identify, and compare/contrast popular sources with scholarly sources.


Searching/Evaluating Web-Based and Other Popular Sources:
Learn how to find, evaluate, and use web-based and other popular sources (webpages, social media, YouTube, Wikipedia, etc.).  


Searching for Primary Sources 101:
Understand how to find, evaluate, and use primary sources (original documents providing first-hand evidence) such as letters, journals, diaries, etc.  


How to Read, Understand, and Use Scholarly Research: 
Learn how academic articles/research are structured and how to read and make sense of them, as well as how to use and incorporate into your own research.  


Create a Presentation, Video, Podcast, or Infographic 101: 
Learn how to create and share presentations, videos, podcasts, infographics, or other non-essay formats using the best practices for each medium.  



Here are a few examples:


Goal: Provide first year students experience incorporating a variety of shorter pieces such as  journal entries, short article write-ups, and reflections on key issues along with appropriate visual content into a unified digital or print based final product.  

IL Learning objectives: Information creation is a process. Information has value. Scholarship as conversation. Finding, evaluating, and synthesizing text and visual information. Information can be presented in a variety of formats.   

From: Montenegro, Erika and Mari Orozco, Cynthia. “DIY the FYE with Zines”

Wikipedia Editing Assignment 

Goal: Provide first year students experience contributing and updating an existing Wikipedia page building on and adding to the collective knowledge of the encyclopedia. 

IL Learning Objectives: Information has value. Authority is constructed and contextual. Scholarship as conversation.  Finding, evaluating, and synthesizing text. Ethics and responsibility in presenting information. 

From: McNiff, Lindsay. “Bite-Sized Wikipedia Editing Assignment

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