Information Literacy (Library Instruction) Request Form
Submit requests at least two weeks in advanced of desired session date.
Include a PDF or Word Document of assignment to upload (required)
Department Designated Research Methods (or equivalent) Library Instruction
The instruction for research methods courses (or equivalent) will continue to be highly customized to the subject, course, and assignment. These courses will also be prioritized for in-person instruction (with asynchronous options available on request). Potential option include but are not limited to:
Discipline Specific Resources
Understand how to find databases specific to field, professional publications and associations, and outreach to experts/people.
Advanced Searching Features
Understand the advanced search features and limiters of databases, how to find articles from reference pages and cited by sources.
Different Types of Scholarly Sources
Understand differences between primary and secondary sources. Understand the differences between quantitative and qualitative research. Learn differences between research articles, literature reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis.
Synthesize Research Findings
Learn how to combine, compare, organize, and interpret the results of multiple research articles, books, and other information forming a critical analysis integrated into the exploration and analysis of a topic.
Organizing/Citing Research
Develop a systemic research plan, research organization system, and citing by discipline conventions.