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.Literature Subject Guide: Literary Criticism & Character Study


Citation Chaining

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Literature databases

These databases can help you find citations for articles published in scholarly journals and other sources specific to literature.

Literary Criticism Compilations

The publisher Gale produces multiple series which reproduce, either in full or excerpted, literary criticism from journals and book chapters. Coverage of any given author may appear in several volumes and in multiple series. Some entries present criticism on the author's entire body of work; other entries present criticism on a single important piece of literature. Gale's Literary Index indicates the series and volumes to which you should refer; the titles below are the critical series that Hamersly Library has--there are other Gale series listed in the index which we do not have. For the print volumes, the authors are presented in alphabetical order by last name.

Children's Literature Review (CLR)

vols. 1-124 in Reference PN1009.A1 C5139
vols. 125-current through Literature Criticism Online

Contemporary Literature Criticism (CLC)

vols. 1-237 in Reference PN771 .C59 
vols. 238-current through Literature Criticism Online

Hispanic Literature Criticism

Reference PQ7081. A1 H573

Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism  (NCLC)

vols. 1-183 in Reference PN761 .N5 
vols. 184-current through Literature Criticism Online

Drama Criticism

vols. 1-27 in Reference PN1601 .D59
vols. 28-current through Literature Criticism Online

Poetry Criticism

vols. 1-77 in Reference PN1010 .P499
vols. 78-current through Literature Criticism Online

Shakespearian Criticism

vols. 1-105: do not own
vols. 106-current through Literature Criticism Online

Short Story Criticism

vols. 1-99 in Reference PN3373 .S386
vols. 100-current through Literature Criticism Online

Twentieth-Century Literature Criticism (TCLC)

vols. 1-189 in Reference PN771 .G27
vols. 190-current through Literature Criticism Online

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Janeanne Rockwell-Kincanon
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