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.Literature Subject Guide: Biography

Author biography encyclopedias

The publisher Gale produces multiple series which provide biographical and bibliographical information on authors. Gale's Literary Index indicates the series and volumes to which you should refer.

Dictionary of Literary Biography (DLB) PN451 .D5 through PN451 .D552 2002

Take note of its two sub-series, which directly follow the main series on the shelf.

Dictionary of Literary Biography Documentary Series vols. 1-19

Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook 1980-2002

Entries present "career biographies"--the author's life and major works. Volumes are thematic: for example, authors who are American short-story writers since World War II or Canadian fantasy and science-fiction writers.

Contemporary Authors (CA) PN451 .C58 through PN451 .C65

Take note of its multiple sub-series

Contemporary Authors New Revision Series (CANR)

Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series

Contemporary Authors Permanent Series

Generally succinct and in directory format--birth, death, & family information, education and career history, addresses, etc.

Contemporary Dramatists (5th ed.) PN1625 .V5

Contemporary Novelists (4th ed.) PR883 .C64

Contemporary Poets (5th & 7th eds.) PR 603 C6

Native North American Literature PS508.I5 N38 1994

Something About the Author vol. 1-vol. 216 PN451 .S6 - Covers authors and illustrators of literature for children and young adults.

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