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Website - Reference Resources: Statistical Information

Librarian-selected reference Resources


Statistical sources

This page lists general statistical resources. For additional government sources for statistics, see our Government information sources page. Consult the appropriate Subject Guide for additional resources useful in locating statistics relevant to specific subjects, such as business, education, criminal justice, etc.

Subscription Databases

Subscription databases

  • Statistical LexisNexis
    Covers a wide variety of authoritative statistical sources, including U.S. Federal government sources.
    Statistics for business, trade, and economics.
  • Historical Statistics of the United States
    Statistics from over 1,000 sources recording every aspect of the history of the United States from population to prices; from voting patterns to Vietnam veterans; from energy to education; from abortions to zinc and everything in between.
  • Polling the Nations
    Compiles results from more than 14,000 public opinion surveys conducted by more than 700 polling organizations in the United States and more than 80 other countries from 1986 to the present.

Reference Books

Reference books


Internet sources

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