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Oregon Teacher Licensure Exam Preparation: Freshmen and Sophomores

What Freshmen Need to Know

Welcome to the Teacher Education Program at Western Oregon University! 

As you begin your Gen Ed and Pre-Education courses this year, keep in mind that they are all strategically designed to prepare you to understand the specific course content and teaching methods you will need to be an exceptional teacher.

We recommend that, sometime during Winter or Spring term, you attend a one-hour general Teacher Licensure Exam Preparation workshop (we offer these at a variety of times/days throughout the term).  This workshop will help you to understand the content you will need to be studying and reviewing throughout your first three years at WOU and will help you to be confidently prepared when it's time to take your exams your Junior year.

For more details about which exams you will be taking, how to access preparation materials, and how to register for your exams, use the Quick Reference Guide.

Freshman Checklist:

  • Winter or Spring Term: attend a general test preparation workshop (one hour sessions offered several times each term).
  • Preview the content that will be included in your Teacher Licensure Exams (online and library).
  • As you take your Gen Ed and Pre-Education courses, keep good notes on the content you will need to remember for your exams and review your notes regularly.

What Sophomores Need to Know

As you continue to work on your Gen Ed and Pre-Education courses this year, keep in mind that they are strategically designed to prepare you to understand the specific course content and teaching methods you will need to be an exceptional teacher.

By this time, you should have already attended one of our one-hour general Teacher Licensure Exam Preparation workshops.  If you haven't, you can register for one now.  This workshop will help you to be confidently prepared when it is time to take your exams next year.

For more details about which exams you will be taking, how to access preparation materials, and how to register for your exams, use the Quick Reference Guide.

Sophomore Checklist:

  • Continue to keep good notes on the content as you take each of your Gen Ed and Pre-Education courses, and review your notes regularly
  • Create an ORELA account; remember your user name and password for future reference.
  • Late in your Sophomore year during your advising appointment talk with your advisor about when you should plan to take your test next year.
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