Welcome to Western Oregon University's Teacher Education Program! As a Junior or a Transfer student, you have the unique experience of having many of your content and Pre-Education courses already completed. These courses are significant and should have prepared you to understand much of the specific course content and learning methods you will need to be an exceptional teacher.
Because you will be taking your Teacher Licensure Exams this year, we recommend that all Juniors and Transfer students attend a general Teacher Licensure Exam Preparation workshop during new student week or as early as possible (if you haven't already attended one). This workshop will help you understand the content you will need to be studying, how to prepare, and how to register and take your exams.
You need to pass ALL of your content exams before you can apply to the Professional Licensure Program, so it is important that you study and prepare during the Fall term, then take your exams Winter term so you will meet the early Spring deadline for applying.
For more details about which exams you will be taking, how to access preparation materials, and how to register for your exams, use the Quick Reference Guide.
Junior Checklist: