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.French Resources Subject Guide: Reference and Basic Resources

Call Number Areas

French materials are mostly in two call number ranges if you would like to browse.  Remember that you will find these call numbers both in the reference collection (Floor 1) and in the circulating collection (Floor 3).

PC2001-PC3761 is for French language and language study.  It includes dictionaries, grammar books and many of the "easy reader" adaptations. 

PQ1-PQ3999 is for French literature, including literature from francophone countries.  Compared to the "easy reader" section in the language learning area, this range includes the primary works of literature in French and in translation, alongside criticism about it.

Reherches Google en français


Love France, Learn French WINNER

Language and Grammar

Below are select French dictionaries and other language resources, either in the physical collection or as an electronic book.  Or view a complete listing of dictionaries.


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