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Ebooks @ WOU: Nook and other ereaders

Using the ebook collections at WOU.


Thank you to Duke University for graciously allowing re-use of some of the content from their guide.

Do this first

On a Computer:


  1. Download Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) to your personal or office computer, and create an account.
  2. Find the eBook in our collection.
  3. Sign in to ebrary, EBL or EBSCO: For ebrary or EBL ebooks, use your WOU Pawprint.  For EBSCO ebooks, use your My EBSCOhost account.
  4. Download the book.


Many ebooks are provided in pdf format. This is not, however, always the ideal file type to use on an ereader as you cannot adjust the size of the font or always, in the case of the Nook Color, go from page to page easily. A solution for both issues is to convert your pdf to EPUB.

To convert documents to epub or a Kindle format , use Calibre -- an open source freely available ebook management program available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Download it here:

DRM enabled ereaders



On a Nook or other DRM enabled ereader:


Once the book is in Adobe Digital Editions :

  1. Close Adobe Digital Editions (ADE), if it is open, and connect the Nook to your computer.
  2. Launche ADE. A "Device Setup Assistant" window will launch. Click the button to Authorize Device.
  3. Select the Library view in ADE, and drag the book you wish to read onto the Nook icon.  The mouse cursor will show a green "+" (plus) symbol. Drop the ebook onto the nook. ADE will copy the file to your nook.
  4. From Windows Explorer, find the drive your device is connected to. Right mouse button click and "eject" it from your computer. If you have an extra memory card, find the drive for that memory card and "eject" the memory card from your computer also. 
  5. On a nook, perform the following steps:
    1. From the main menu on the bottom bar, select, "My Library."
    2. From "My Library," if you are not already in "My Documents," select that option.
    3. Select "Check for new content."
    4. You should see your newly purchased Secure Adobe PDF or Secure Adobe ePub book.

For non-downloadable books, you may create PDF files of the chapters/page ranges you want to read and transfer them to your nook.