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Ebooks @ WOU: Boundless - Recreational ebooks & audiobooks

Using the ebook collections at WOU.


Thank you to Duke University for graciously allowing re-use of some of the content from their guide.

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Check out popular titles from our libraryHamersly now has digital books as a part of our Recreational Reading Collection through Boundless by Baker & Taylor. 

Our digital recreational collection includes both ebooks and audiobooks that you can access via Primo, WOU's Boundless website, or the Boundless app.

Ebooks and audiobooks through Boundless are available for checkout for three weeks and you can checkout a total of three digital books at once.

This page shows you how to access these digital books.



Digital recreational books can be found in Primo, either through keyword searching or by conducting an Advanced Search for only items in the WOU library with the phrase "Axis 360" (see screenshot below).

Searching for digital recreational books in Primo

WOU's Boundless website is a better browsing experience than viewing the books through Primo, so if you plan to use this collection often, bookmark this page for easy access: This page is also where you can easily see the newest books that have been added to the collection, and where you can manage your checked out books, wish list, reviews, recommend books, and more.

boundless website 

If you'd like to access these books on your phone or tablet, in addition to going to the website above, you can download the Boundless app. Just search for "Boundless Baker Taylor" in your app store. The first time you use the app, you'll need to sign in through the WOU proxy with your WOU ID and password, but after that first time the app should remember you. 


Axis 360 Website and Mobile App Overview

For a more detailed overview of how to use WOU's boundless website and/or app, watch the 10-minute video below:

Top Tips

1) Checking out. Small icons along the bottom of each book icon tell you whether the book is an ebook (open book symbol) or an audiobook (earphones symbol) and how long the book is (either in listening hours or pages).

In order to checkout a book, simply click the book icon, and then click the blue "Checkout" button on the book details page. You can also save the book to your Wishlist so that you can come back to check it out later.



2) Available Now. To sort books so that you see what is currently available for checkout first, choose the "Available Now" menu option in the pulldown menu on the upper right-hand side of WOU's Axis 360 website. You can also sort by format--either audiobook or ebook.



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Elizabeth Brookbank

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