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Information and Reference Desk: Astra

For students and staff of the information/reference desk

Staff View - Making a Room Reservation in Astra

Staff View - Making a Room Reservation in Astra

Log into Astra from the study rooms link on the library home page and use the schedstu login from the password list.

Click on the Events tab in the top center of your screen. Click Events again on the dropdown menu, and +Add a new event.
Alternatively, if you're on the Scheduling Grid, there is a +Add button at the top-right










When the Create Event box pops up, enter:

  1. The Event Name
  2. For Event Type, select 1. Library Group Study
  3. In Contact, Type Guest and select 'Guest, User'
  4. The Customer 'Hamersly Library Guest' should automatically populate. If not, redo step 3.

Depending on the type of event you're making, proceed to the instructions for:


For Single Meetings:

  1. Select the Start and End Time (remember 4-hour reservation limit)
  2. Select the Start and End Date
  3. Click 'More Options' to go to the full event details page.

For Multiple Meetings

  1. Select the date(s) of the reservation. Each selected date will highlight in dark blue (today's date is light blue). 
  2. Select the Start and End Time (remember 4-hour reservation limit)
  3. Click the  to generate the meetings as a list in the right-side box. The default group name will mimic the event name, but you can change it. Click the +/- symbol to see all meetings in the group.
    If different dates/times are also desired by the patron, repeat step 1
  4. Enter in details for 'Event Type' and 'Contact' fields. 'Customer' field will auto-fill once a contact is chosen.
  5. Click 'More Options' to be taken to the detailed event screen.

For Recurring Meetings (ADVANCED)

  1. Select the Start and End Time (remember 4-hour reservation limit)
  2. Select how the meeting should recur (daily, weekly, monthly)
  3. For weekly recurring meetings, choose which days of the week the meeting will be (e.g. Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday)
  4. Select the Start and End Date
  5. Enter in details for 'Event Type' and 'Contact' fields. 'Customer' field will auto-fill once a contact is chosen.
  6. Click 'More Options' to be taken to the detailed event screen.

'More Options' Detailed View

Use the detailed view to review large and/or complex reservations, and finalize the details from a single reservation. All basic room details will be carried over from the meeting creation screen.

  1. Enter the estimated number of attendees near the top-right.
  2. Select the checkmark icon above the list of meetings to select all meeting times, or individually select the ones you are going to assign a room to.
  3. Click 'Assign Rooms' and proceed to Assign Room(s) section

If one or more meetings need to be adjusted for time, or canceled for various reasons, proceed to Editing Meetings.

If no further changes need to be made to the event:

  1. Click on the blue pencil icon and set the event status to 'Scheduled'
  2. Save the event and confirm that the event status is still 'Scheduled'. If status is set to 'Incomplete' review and ensure that there are no meetings without rooms assigned, or are not properly set to 'Canceled'.
  3. Click 'Send Event Summary'




Assigning the Room(s)

  1. Before proceeding make sure that you room view is using the Library Filter. The system will use the estimated attendance to filter out any spaces smaller than what's needed.
  2. Click on the white space in the room box to sort all rooms numerically
  3. If you are unable to apply all to the same room, click the "+" sign at the top-right corner of the column so that you may individually select rooms that are available.
  4. If you are able to schedule all meetings in the same room, you make select an available slot and it will apply to all rooms in the group. Otherwise individually select the rooms to schedule as described in the step above.
  5. Once you've selected the room(s), click the 'OK' button to be taken to the detailed event screen.
  6. For any meetings that couldn't be scheduled, use the scheduling grid to investigate why (e.g. holiday, outside of operating hours), and edit the meetings to make necessary adjustments or cancel them.

Editing & Canceling Meeting Requests

If either the start or end times of multiple meetings need to be adjusted:

  1. Checkmark the selected meetings.
  2. Click 'Edit Selected'.
  3. Choose a new Start and/or End Time.
  4. Hit Apply to be taken back to the event page and assign rooms.

If one or more meetings cannot be fulfilled and needs to be removed:

  1. Checkmark the selected meeting(s)
  2. Click 'Edit Selected'.
  3. In the Edit Event Meetings pop-up box, click on the blue pencil  icon and select Cancel.
  4. Hit Apply to be taken back to the event page

Send the Event Summary

  1. Replace the default email address with the one provided by the patron
  2. You may include a comment here when necessary. A necessary comment is need when:
    • A reservation occurs 3+ times a week (paste in library room use policy on repeat/long-term reservations, and cancelation/loss of reservation)
    • You've had to change the time of a meeting to fit what's available.
    • You've had to  cancel one or more requested meetings due to availability, hours, etc.


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Scheduling Single Meeting in the Grid


You can use the scheduling grid to quickly make a room reservation for an upcoming date.

To do so, simply 'click and drag' a space in the grid corresponding to the desired start and end times.

When you release the pop-up box for scheduling a single meeting will appear

The Start/End times and Start/End dates will already be filled in for you, along with the Room. You just need to enter:

  1. The Event Name
  2. For Event Type, select 1. Library Group Study
  3. In Contact, Type Guest and select 'Guest, User'
  4. The Customer 'Hamersly Library Guest' should automatically populate below. If not, redo step 3.
  5. Once the room is assigned, click 'Save and Send Notification'. Replace the default email address with the one provided by the patron to send them the confirmation

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Editing a Room Reservation in Astra

Editing a Room Reservation in Astra

Find the Event You Need to Edit

  1. If you know the day and time for the meeting, proceed to Scheduling Grid.  
  2. If you only know the name, you’ll need to search for it. Proceed to Event Search.

Opening the Calendar

  1. Click on the Calendars tab in the top center of your screen and select Scheduling Grids.

Scheduling Grid

  1. Your default scheduling grid view should show the library. If not, select the HL Calendar from the top.
  2. Find the date that the event occurs you need to edit. Click the down-arrow to open up the calendar. You can navigate month-to-month using the left/right arrows
  3. Once you find the event in question, hover over it to open up the details pop-up box
  4. Click View Event Details in the pop-up box to proceed to the event page. Move to Editing the Event 

Event Search

  1. If you don’t know the date for the event you need to edit, click on the Events tab in the top center of your screen
  2. Click on the Events link to open up the Events List

Events List

  1. Enter in the name of the event you're trying to find, or at least a portion of the title if you or the patron are not sure what the complete title is.
  2. Optional: Add some extra limiting date filters, if necessary, like the month or week the event occurs
  3. After clicking the Search button, a list of results will appear. Once you find the event in question, click on it to go to the event details page.

Editing the Event (Event Cancelation)

  1. The event details page will open in editing mode.If you want to cancel the entire event (and all the meetings attached), click on the blue pencil  icon below Event Status and select Cancel.

Editing the Event (Meeting Cancelation)

  1. If you only need to cancel some meetings within an event, checkmark the select meetings and click Edit Selected.
  2. In the Edit Event Meetings pop-up box, click on the blue pencil icon and select Cancel.
  3. Hit Apply to be taken back to the event page

Adjusting Times

  1. Within the Event Details page, you may click on any meeting start/end time to alter the individual time frame.
  2. If there are multiple meetings in the event and you need to adjust all of the start/end times, you may do so by adjusting the group-level start/end times.
  3. After you've adjusted the time(s), click the Check for Conflicts button to ensure that no new conflicts are present as a result of changing the time(s).
  4. Save and Close the event

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Approving Events

Approving Events

  1. Click on the Events tab in the top center of your screen
  2. Click on the Notification List link

The Notification Page

  1. Make sure that the filter is set to Library and that the Request Type, Notification, and Active status all match
  2. Any pending event requests will appear in the notification area to the right. If there are multiple pending requests, make sure that your view is sorted by the creation date from oldest to newest.

Previewing Requests for Approval/Denial

Before you can decide to approve or deny the event, you need to confirm that all the basic information is present and that the request is within scheduling rules

  1. Click on the magnification lens to open up the request details
  2. One the details page, make sure there is at least one meeting present. If not, then you'll cancel the request
  3. Check the start/end dates. If there are multiple/recurring meetings, check to see if the pattern includes 3+ meetings per week. If so, you'll need to send a policy reminder at the conclusion of the approval process.
  4. Check if the patron has requested a room or not, and if it is appropriate. Observe all room restriction rules when approving events and notify patrons in the instance that you have to change a room assignment due to rules or availability

If Date/Time fields are missing or other Error is Present:

Click on the red dash  next to the event to decline it.

  1. A new prompt will pop up asking you to input a message. Make sure to write why the request was denied (e.g. ‘the library is not open during the requested time’, or ‘No date/times were selected’)

If Request has necessary Date/Time information:

Click on the green checkmark  next to the event to approve it.

You may ignore the optional commentary pop-up box and proceed to the Event Details page to complete the request process.

  1. Contact: Begin typing Guest and select Guest, User from the pop-up. The Customer field will automatically populate with Hamersly Library Guest
  2. Event Type: choose '1. Library Group Study'.
  3. Est. Attendance: Enter the number of people in the group. If you don't remember from the preview, this can be found via the View Event Request pop-up display.
  4. If the patron has selected any rooms as part of their request, verify that they are appropriate (size, room).
  5. For any meeting that you need to (re)assign a room for, checkmark that meeting and proceed to Assigning Rooms

Assigning Room(s)

  1. Before proceeding make sure that you room view is using the Library Filter
  2. Click on the white space in the room box to sort all rooms numerically
  3. If you are able to schedule all meetings in the same room, you make select an available slot and it will apply to all rooms in the group. If you are unable to apply all to the same room, click the "+" sign at the top-right corner of the column to individually select rooms.
  4. Once you've selected all rooms, click the 'OK' button


Optional: Canceling Duplicate/Unfulfilled Requests

If a patron has placed a request with duplicate times/dates, or times/dates that cannot be fulfilled, you'll need to cancel those specific meetings.

  1. To change one or more meeting statuses to canceled, checkmark the meetings.
  2. Click Edit Selected to open up the meeting details window
  3. On the meeting pop-up window, click on the Blue Pencil Icon  and select 'Cancel'.
  4. Apply the changes and the pop-up will close.




Finalizing the Request

Before saving the event request, review all meetings to verify that the above steps were correctly performed.

  1. Click the Save button at the top-left.
  2. Check to make sure that the Event Status is 'Scheduled'
  3. Make sure that any unfulfilled meetings have a 'Canceled' Status
  4. If everything is correct click Send Event Summary

Send Event Summary

  1. If you had to make any edits to the event request (cancelations, time changes, etc), make sure to include that information in the Comment field
  2. In the Notify field, click on 'false' and checkmark the box to notify the patron
  3. Click the Red 'X' on the guest contact to remove it from the notification list
  4. Click OK to send a the requester their final confirmation


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Printing Room Signs

Printing Room Signs

  1. Once all pending requests for the day have been approved, click the Reporting tab at the upper right of the screen.
  2. Click the link for Reports.
  3. In the blank called Report Name type Room Sign and hit the search button.
  4. On the next screen click the link for 'Room Signs for Hamersly Hybrid' (in Event Lists).

  1. When the pop-up window loads, fill in today’s date in the Enter Start Date and Enter End Date fields (the other options are already filled for you).  Click the Apply button and wait for Astra to update the results.


  1. Click the printer icon . Astra will create a PDF of the room signs. 
  2. Open the PDF and then print and post. Remember to Print 2 copies of the page for 107.

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