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Information and Reference Desk: Additional Procedures

For students and staff of the information/reference desk

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

When an item is found or turned in to the desk, fill out a lost & found card and attach it to the item so that we know when it was found and how long to hold it. When possible, we try to contact the owner. Since we contact owners when possible to let them know we have their item, we like to hold items for at least a couple days in case the owner comes to the desk to claim their property.

If someone does come to the desk to check for an item and we do not have it, let them know that all items are eventually transferred to Public Safety and to go there. Provide them instructions (via the map handout) and the regular phone number if they'd like it.

Campus Public Safety sends someone over to pick up our lost and found every week or so. Their schedule is not consistent, so if our lost and found is becoming too full, please notify the information desk supervisor.

Standard Procedures:

  • Fill out one of the lost/found tags and provide the following information: date/time, a basic description, name of the owner if obvious (e.g. drivers license), and location (mark 'HL').
  • Please put small items in the top drawer and larger items in the bottom cabinet. The drawer and cabinet should remain locked. The key is located in the desk drawer next to the info computer.
  • Drink containers must be rinsed out prior to placing in the lost/found cabinet. Check any lunch containers for items that may quickly spoil (e.g. liquids, fruits).
  • If the item owner comes to retrieve their lost goods. Have them sign the back of the lost/found card and place the signed card in top lost/found drawer.

"High Value Items"

  • High value items are anything that is likely valuable/expensive (e.g. phone, laptop), or other items like purses and wallets which contain ID cards, bank cards, money, etc.
  • If you receive something like a wallet/purse, notify your supervisor or another staff member so that they may review the item with you.
  • Together, you and the staff member will check the item to see if an owner can be easily identified. If so, write their name in the 'owner' field.
  • Fill out the rest of the card as above. In the description field also note any additional, pertinent high-value items (e.g. $20 cash) that are obvious (seen without having to dig through the item).
  • Write 'HIGH VALUE' near the top of the card. This is a reminder that the high-value log needs to be updated when the item is retrieved by the owner, or by CPS.
  • Fill out an entry in the high-value item log located in the back of the info desk binder. Write your initials in the 'Finder' column and have the staff member write their initials in the 'staff' column.
  • IF ITEM NOT RETRIEVED BY END OF DAY: Call CPS and have them come pick up the item for long-term safekeeping.
  • When the item is retrieved, either by the owner or CPS, have them sign the high-value log entry, date the time of removal, and write your initials.


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Digitization Request Forms

The Hamersly Library is happy to assist staff in making class materials more accessible to their student. However, the library must abide by all copyright laws pertaining to the reproduction of materials, which includes restriction the amount we may legally copy for educational use.

If a staff member wants more than the greater acceptable copying amount, please have them contact the Scholarly Communications Librarian, or their Liaison about the possibility of the library purchasing a copy for student-use.

Scanning Instructions

  1. After reading copyright statement, requestor must sign and date accordingly
  2. Name of the person making the request
  3. E-mail address
  4. Office Extension (or phone) for the individual
  5. The individual may choose to provide us with a USB device to store their scanned material, or we can email each chapter/article to them via the KIC Scanner
  6. The individual should be clear on what they want scanned. Please double-check to make sure that the person isn't requesting more than we are allowed to copy (some leeway is possible, but nothing egregious)
  7. Once the individual has dropped off the materials and completely filled out the form, the student employee who received it needs to write their initials as well as how many items there are. This helps us keep track of everything.
  8. Once the scanning request is complete, the student employee who finished the request should write their initials and the date of completion, then notify the requester that their materials are ready to be picked up.


  • Scan documents cleanly and evenly.
  • Make sure that pages are not cut off and there is no glare
  • For large books, or those with glossy pages, scan in V-form to eliminate glare and scanning distortion.
  • If the individual provided a USB device, tape it to the scanning request form for safe keeping.
  • Once the scanning is complete and the professor has retrieved their USB (if necessary), turn in the scanning request form to your supervisor.



Not Acceptable
Problem: Glare
Fix: Use V-mode

Not Acceptable
Problem: Crooked Page
Fix: Re-Align Book

Not Acceptable
Problem: Curved Pages
Fix: Use V-mode or Flatten Pages

No Glare / Straight
Minimum Word Distortion


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Sunday Newspaper Processing

Sunday Newspaper Processing

You should receive two copies each of the Statesman Journal and the Oregonian. If you only receive one copy, that’s not a problem. If you receive none though, please leave an email for Jackson Stalley.

One copy is ours to put on the display shelf, the other(s) can go in the staff lounge upstairs.

Remove any ads from our copies and process them according to the Coupon Swap box procedures.

Attach the appropriate labels on each newspaper in the upper left corner.

Replace them in the ‘Most Recent’ display shelf. Take the old ‘most recent’ newspaper and shift it into the ‘Previous’ display shelf. Finally, take the old ‘previous’ newspaper, remove the red dot from the label, and place it on the re-shelving cart.

If you have any questions, please leave them for Jackson or your supervisor.


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Phone Etiquette

Phone Etiquette

At the Information and reference desks we get many phone calls. Please remember that you are representing the university and the library! All calls should be handled in a professional, courteous manner. The Telephone Skills Review included in this section describes the Western Oregon University standards for answering the telephone. In addition to the guidelines outlined in the skills review, here are a few notes:

  1. Please do not assume that the caller ID at the Information or Reference desk is correctly identifying the caller and that you can answer the phone less formally than usual. For example, just because the caller ID says ‘Michele Burke’ do not assume that Michele is the caller. Please do not answer the phone by saying “Hi Michele”. Answer the phone by saying “Library and Media Services Information Desk”, regardless of what caller ID says.
  1. When you are on the phone with someone and need to write something down, say “okay, I’m writing that down.” When you are writing or searching for something on the computer the caller can usually tell that you are distracted. By explaining what you are doing and why, they know that you are still focused on helping them.
  1. The volume on the phone needs to be kept loud enough that other desk personnel can tell when your extension is ringing. If people in your call-group cannot hear your extension, they will not know that it needs to be answered.
  1. Press *7 to answer calls within your call-group. If the checkout desk is busy and the phone rings, the information person can press *7 to answer the call. Regardless of which phone rings, answer with the greeting appropriate for your location. That means that even if the checkout phone rings, if you are at the information desk, you should answer by saying “Hamersly Library Information Desk.” This avoids confusing the caller by answering as the checkout desk and then saying you will transfer them to the checkout desk.

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Using the PA System

Using the PA System

Closing announcements are recorded and on a timer. Unusual hours or other circumstances may require “live” announcements. The Public Address (PA) system works through the telephone and may be used from the information, reference, and checkout desk phones.

  1. If the message is not an emergency, write down your announcement before engaging the address system.
  2. Prepare to speak clearly, perhaps slower than your normal speech.
  3. Dial 25001, the "Library Paging" number. Listen for the double beep.
  4. Dial 111# and immediately speak into the receiver. There are no auditory cues past the double beep.
  5. Remember to read the announcement slowly and to speak clearly and a bit louder than normal.
  6. When finished gently hang up using your finger rather than just setting the receiver in place, as that makes a loud clunk.

Recorded messages. These are programmed to play before closing, including the adjustments needed for intersessions, extended hours, and holidays. They are written below in case of error or emergency. 

Msg #

When played


1 6 p.m. weekdays The remainder of this evening's library hours are reserved exclusively for WOU students, faculty, and staff. We request that patrons without WOU affiliation exit the building at this time. Thank you.


30 minutes before close

The library will close in 30 minutes.


15 minutes before close

The library will close in 15 minutes.


1 minute before close

The library is now closing. Please exit the building at this time or move to the student lounge. It is located near the west entrance and is open 24 hours a day. Thank you.


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