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CSE Style Guide, for 7th Edition

About This Guide


         The Council of Science Editors citation style, commonly referred to as CSE, is commonly used for scientific papers, journal publications, and books in the life, biological, and other sciences. CSE offers three different, distinct styles, very similar to the Chicago Manual of Style.

These are:

  1. Citation-Sequence (C-S),
  2. Citation-Name (C-N), and
  3. Name-Year (N-Y).

Professors may prefer different styles. Always ask for clarification when you're unsure or no style is specified.

Citation-Sequence style numbers citations (1), (2), (3), in the order they are referred to in the text. Any additional citations of the same source use the same number as the initial citation. Entries in the reference list are numerically ordered.

Citation-Name style uses an alphabetic-numeric hybrid system to organize citations. All references are first organized alphabetically in the bibliography, then assigned numbers in consecutive order. When that reference is then cited in the paper, only the corresponding number appears in parentheses.

Name-Year style places the author's last name and year of publication within the text (i.e. Jefferson, 2013). These point to a corresponding full bibliographic entry in the reference section.

This section will give you the basic guidelines for formatting a research paper according to CSE standards. For in-depth and very specific formatting questions, refer to The CSE Manual.

The Scientific Style and Format handbook (aka The CSE Manual) provides answers to a variety of difficult citation, and formatting, questions. 

You may also download this entire guide in PDF format.

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