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Author Lastname, Initials. Publication date [cited date if online]. Article Title: Subtitle. Title of publication [Internet]. Volume title/number(issue #) or Section (column): page numbers. Available from:URL and/or DOI.
Physical Article
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Losos JB. 2001 Mar. Evolution: A lizard's tale. Sci Am. 284(3): 64-69.
Yoon CK. 2000 Dec 26. DNA clues improve outlook for red wolf. New York Times. Sect. F:10 (col. 1).
Online-Accessed Article
Lewis J. 1998 [cited 2007 May 31]. 'Tis a misfortune to be a great ladie’: maternal mortality in the British aristocracy, 1558-1959. Journal of British Studies [Internet]. 37(1): 26-53. Available from:
Meban D. 2008 [cited 2013 Sept 2]. Temple building, Primus language, and the proem to Virgil’s third Georgic. Classical Philology [Internet]. 103(2): 135. doi:10.10.86/590066.