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CSE Style Guide, for 7th Edition



The CSE gives no official specific information regarding the bibliographic citation of blogs. Most entities treat them as an electronic publication/web site hybrid. As such, citations from a blog should include some or all of the following elements:


  1. Author (last name first/middle initials). Separate additional authors with comma.

  2. Date blog entry was published (Year abbreviated month day).

  3. Title of blog entry, capitalizing only the first word of the title, subtitle and any proper nouns.

  4. Title of blog, followed by [Internet].

  5. Place of publication (City (State initials)) and publisher name/organization, followed by a colon.

  6. Name of publisher (if corporation/organization).

  7. citation date, in brackets [cited year abbreviated month day]

  8. Available from: URL (if online)

Basic Layout

Author last name first/middle initials. Blog publication date. Title of blog entry. Title of blog [Internet]. Publication City(State initials): Publisher name. [citation date]. Available from: URL.




Lunde, A. 2010 Jan 30. You can make a difference in Alzheimer’s diagnosis, services. Alzheimer’s Blog [Internet]. Rochester [MN]:  [cited 2010 Jan 31]. Available from:

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