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CSE Style Guide, for 7th Edition

Journal Articles, Magazines & Newspapers


         Citations from journal, magazine, and newspaper sources require some or all of the following elements:


  1. Author (last name first/middle initials). Separate additional authors with comma.

  2. Title: subtitle of article or column, capitalizing only the first word of the title, subtitle and any proper nouns.

  3. Title of periodical, ISO abbreviated if possible. Use the NCBI Journal Database to find any appropriate abbreviations. [Internet] (if accessed online). 

  4. Publication date (year for scholarly journals, year/month for magazines, and year/month/day for newspapers), and citation date [cited (year abbreviated month day)] (if online) followed by a semi-colon.

  5. Issue information (volume title and/or issue number); Section number(column number) if newspaper

  6. Page numbers (where appropriate).

  7. Available from: URL (if online)

  8. DOI


Basic Layout

Author Firstname, Initials. Article Title: Subtitle. Title of publication [Internet]. Publication date [cited date if online]; Volume title/number(issue #) or Section (column): page numbers. Available from:URL and/or DOI.


Physical Article

Olson HA. Codes, costs, and critiques: The organization of information in Library Quarterly, 1931-2004. Libr. Q. 2006;  76(1): 20.

Losos JB. Evolution: A lizard's tale. Sci Am. 2001 Mar; 284(3): 64-69.

Yoon CK. DNA clues improve outlook for red wolf. New York Times. 2000 Dec 26; Sect. F:10 (col. 1).

Online-Accessed Article

Lewis J. 'Tis a misfortune to be a great ladie’: maternal mortality in the British aristocracy, 1558-1959. Journal of British Studies [Internet]. 1998 [cited 2007 May 31]; 37(1): 26-53. Available from:

Meban D. Temple building, Primus language, and the proem to Virgil’s third Georgic. Classical Philology [Internet]. 2008 [cited 2013 Sept 2]; 103(2): 135. doi:10.10.86/590066.