Audiovisual materials include things such as videocassettes, audio cassettes, CDs, DVDs, motion pictures, photographs, and slides.
Audiovisual materials cited using C-S or C-N will contain some or all of the following elements:
Basic Layout
Authors (lastname first/middle initials). Title of materials [medium designator]. Edition (if available). Place of publication: publisher; date. Physical description. Notes.
Johnson D, editor. Surgical techniques in orthopaedics: anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction [videodisc]. Rosemont (IL): American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; c2002. 1 videodisc: sound, color, 12 in.
Perls TT. Stealing time: the new science of aging [videocassette]. Alexandria (VA): PBS Home Video; 1998. 3 videocassettes:180 min., sound, color with black & white sequences, 1/2 in.