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Chicago Style Guide, for 17th Edition

Journal Articles


         Bibliographic citations of journal articles require some or all of the following elements. Remember that each element is separated by a period (unless shown otherwise below):

  1. Author: Full name(s) of authors (Lastname, Firstname. All other authors Firstname Lastname).
  2. Article Title: and subtitle, with all major words capitalized(surrounded by quotation marks)
  3. Journal Title: with all major words capitalized (in italicized characters), issue information (volume title and/or number) and publication date in parentheses and ended with a colon afterwards “(month, year):”.
  4. URL/DOI: (for online publications).

 As with all other citations, the publication date of the reference will be placed directly after the title when using Author-Date style.

Basic Layout

Author Lastname, Firstname. “Article Title: Subtitle.” Title of Journal vol. title, vol. # (Publication Month, Year): page numbers. URL/DOI.


Author Lastname, Firstname. Year. “Article Title: Subtitle.” Title of Journal vol. title, vol. # (Publication Month): page numbers. URL/DOI.

(Footnote/Endnote & Author-Date)


Olson, Hope A. “Codes, Costs, and Critiques: The Organization of Information in Library Quarterly, 1931-2004.” Library Quarterly 76, no. 1 (2006): 20.


Olson, Hope A. 2006. “Codes, Costs, and Critiques: The Organization of Information in Library Quarterly, 1931-2004.” Library Quarterly 76, no. 1: 20.


Lewis, Judith. “’Tis a Misfortune to Be a Great Ladie’: Maternal Mortality in the British Aristocracy, 1558-1959.” Journal of British Studies 37, no. 1 (1998): 26-53.


Lewis, Judith. 1998. “’Tis a Misfortune to Be a Great Ladie’: Maternal Mortality in the British Aristocracy, 1558-1959.” Journal of British Studies 37, no. 1: 26-53.