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Chicago Style Guide, for 17th Edition



            Magazine footnotes/endnotes are styled nearly identically to journals. The only difference is that the publication date is no longer enclosed in parentheses as it is more common (and more important) than a volume or issue number (if it even exists). As with all citations, enough information should be given so that any interested reader can find the referenced materials.

Note-style citations of magazines require some or all of the following elements:

  1. Author: Full name(s) of authors (Firstname Middlename Lastname).
  2. Article Title: and subtitle of article or column, with all major words capitalized(surrounded by quotation marks)
  3. Magazine Title: all major words capitalized (in italicized characters).
  4. Volume/Issue: if it exists (volume number, no. [issue number])
  5. Publication date: (generally a month and year, or just year).
  6. Page numbers: (where appropriate).
  7. URL/DOI: (for online publications).

 Basic Layout

[indented tab]1. Author Firstname Lastname, “Article Title: Subtitle,” Title of Magazine volume #, no. [issue number], publication Month Day, Year, page numbers, URL/DOI.


Physical Magazine

          1. Beth Saulnier, “From Vine to Wine,” Cornell Alumni Magazine, September/October 2008, 48.

          2. Emily Macel, “Beijing’s Modern Movement,” Dance Magazine, February 2009, 35.

Digitally-Accessed Magazine

          3. Barron Young-Smith, "Green Room," Slate, February 4, 2009,

          4. Will R. Bird, "What Was the Price of Vimy Ridge?," Maclean's, April 1, 1936,


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