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Chicago Style Guide, for 17th Edition

About This Guide


The 'Chicago Style' utilizes two systems of source documentation in each document: The first system uses page notes, called footnotes or endnotes, as well as a bibliography page. The second system is called author-date and is similar in layout to APA. Author-date is also paired with a bibliography.

Both footnote/endnote and author-date style have their own unique set of rules and should not be used at the same time.

Use the navigation tabs to learn more about each system of citation as well as the other aspects of writing within the Chicago style, such as how write your bibliography, and how to format your paper.


Footnotes are added to the bottom of the page in which a source was referenced; Endnotes are placed at the end of your research paper (or chapter). All cited sources will also be listed in the Bibliography section.

Author-Date References

Author-Date references will appear in-text as the author(s) last names, publication date, and page number if needed. Full citation details are then placed in the Bibliography section.


The Bibliography provides a convenient, alphabetized list of all the sources cited in a text, and is typically required for all types of research publication.

Paper Formatting

The Chicago Manual requires that all papers be formatted according to a standardized style. Important aspects include your title page, the main body, references, tables/figures, and footnote/endnote sections.

Style Handbooks

The Chicago and Turabian manuals provide answers to a variety of difficult citation- and formatting-oriented questions.




NoodleTools helps you write citations in MLA, APA, or Chicago format, and create annotated bibliographies. It also has tools to create notecards, draft an outline of your paper and keep track of "To Do" tasks. Citations can be exported directly to your Google Drive, or to Word or other formats.

How to Set-up and Use NoodleTools

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