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Chicago Style Guide, for 17th Edition

Newspaper Articles


            Bibliographic entries for newspapers share much of the same structure as journals and magazines. The author, headline, publisher, and especially the day/year are all central elements to a proper newspaper note-style citation. If the online edition of a paper was consulted as the reference, a URL should be included at the end of the citation.

Bibliographic citations of newspaper should include most or all of the following elements. Remember that each element is separated by a period (unless shown otherwise below):

  1. Full name(s) of authors (Lastname, Firstname Middlename).
  2. Title and subtitle of article with all major words capitalized (article name surrounded by quotation marks).
  3. Name of newspaper column, with all major words capitalized (if article is part of regular column).
  4. Title of newspaper with all major words capitalized (in italicized characters).
  5. Publication date (Month, Day and Year).
  6. URL (for online publications).

As with all other citations, the publication date of the reference will be placed directly after the title when using Author-Date style.

Basic Layout


Author Lastname, Firstname Middle. “Article Title:Subtitle.” Column Name. Title of Magazine. publication Month/Day/Year. URL.


Author Lastname, Firstname Middle. Publication year. “Article Title:Subtitle.” Column Name. Title of Magazine. publication Month/Day. URL.



Fields, Marguerite. “Want to Be My Boyfriend? Please Define.” Modern Love. New York Times. May 4, 2008.


Fields, Marguerite. 2008. “Want to Be My Boyfriend? Please Define.” Modern Love. New York Times. May 4.


Bosman, Julie. “Jets? Yes! Sharks? ¡Sí! In Billingual ‘West Side.’” New York Times. July 17, 2008.


Bosman, Julie. 2008. “Jets? Yes! Sharks? ¡Sí! In Billingual ‘West Side.’” New York Times. July 17.

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