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Chicago Style Guide, for 17th Edition



Note: Blogs are typically only cited in the footnote/endnote or in their entirety within the text if using author-date style. If the same resource is frequently referenced though, it may be included in the bibliography.

Bibliographic entries of blogs and comments are structured similarly to articles in periodicals. If you’re using a blog comment as a reference, the citation should begin with the screen identify of the commenter, date/time of the comment, followed by the words “comment on”. Blogs which are part of a larger publication (ex. New York Times) should also include the name of the publication in their citation. Make sure to remember to add the word ‘blog’ (in parentheses) after the title of the blog (unless the word ‘blog’ is part of the title).

Bibliographic entries of blogs should include some or all of the following elements. Remember that each element is separated by a period (unless shown otherwise below):

  1. Commenter screen name (when appropriate).
  2. Commenter date and time of comment (when appropriate).
  3. “comment on” (when appropriate).
  4. Author name (firstname middlename lastname).
  5. Blog article title (in quotation marks).
  6. Blog name (in italicized characters).
  7. “(blog)” (if ‘blog’ isn’t used in the blog name).
  8. Publishing company, if part of larger publication (in italicized characters).
  9. Date and time of publication.
  10. URL.

As with all other citations, the publication date of the reference will be placed directly after the title when using Author-Date style.

Basic Layout


Blog Post:

Author (Lastname, Firstname). "Title of Blog Posting." Name of blog (blog). Parent publishing entity. Month/Day/Year of Publication. URL.

Blog Comment:

Commenter screen name. Comment date (time). Comment on Author (Firstname Lastname). “Title of blog posting.” Name of blog (blog). Parent publishing entity. Month/Day/Year of publication. URL.


Blog Post:

Author (Lastname, Firstname). Year of Publication. "Title of Blog Posting." Name of blog (blog). Parent publishing entity. Month/Day of Publication. URL.

Blog Comment:

Commenter screen name. Publication Year (Time of Comment). Comment on Author (Firstname Lastname). "Title of blog posting.” Name of blog (blog). Parent publishing entity. Month/Day of publication. URL.



Nizza, Mike. “Go Ahead, Annoy Away, an Australian Court Says.” The Lede (blog). New York Times. July 15, 2008.


Nizza, Mike. 2008. “Go Ahead, Annoy Away, an Australian Court Says.” The Lede (blog). New York Times. July 15.


AC. July 1, 2008 (10:18 a.m.). Comment on Rhian Ellis. “Squatters’ Rights.” Ward Six (blog). June 30,2008.

Susan Woodring. September 17, 2010 (2:31 a.m.). Comment on J. Robert Lennon. “How Do You Revise?.” Ward Six (blog). September 16, 2010.


AC. 2008 (10:18 a.m.). Comment on Rhian Ellis. “Squatters’ Rights.” Ward Six (blog). June 30.

Susan Woodring. 2010 (2:31 a.m.). Comment on J. Robert Lennon. 2010. “How Do You Revise?.” Ward Six (blog). September 16.

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