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APA Style Guide 7th Edition

Using This Guide 

Select one of the options on the left to get help citing and formatting your paper in APA style. This is for the new 7th edition. You can access the older 6th edition if needed.  

What's in Each Section 

In-text citations are brief references to your sources and indicate where the information came from and when it was published. They appear in the body of your work. This section provides detailed examples for citing sources in the text (main body) of your paper/project including: direct quote, block quote, indirect quote, summary/paraphrase, tables/graphs/images from other sources, and personal communications. 

The reference page appears at the end of your paper/project and provides detailed information on all sources cited in-text. This section provides detailed examples on how to cite sources for your reference page including: book/ebook, journal article, newspaper, magazine, website/webpage, social media, conference papers/presentations, thesis and dissertations, video/film/tv, music/audio, and visual works. 

Paper formatting show the specific format the APA requires for papers. This section details how to set up and format your paper including: student paper guidelines, professional paper guidelines, headings, and creating original tables/graphs/images. 

Additional help provides various resources to help with citations not covered in this guide including where to get the APA 7th edition style manual at the library, the APA blog, and personal assistance.        

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