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Alma (Library Staff)

APA Style Guide 7th Edition

What's In This Section 

This section cover the most common ways to cite the sources you used in your paper/presentation. Every source except personal communication and subjects you interviewed for your research should have a corresponding entry on the reference page. There are four basic parts to all entries: Author, Date, Title, and Source.

General Guidelines for Reference Page Citations  

  • Start your reference list on a new page at the end of your paper/presentation. 
  • Centered and in bold, label it as: References 
  • Double space entire reference list. 
  • Left hand justify the first line of each entry and use a hanging indent of .5 inches for all additional lines.  
  • Order each entry alphabetically by the authors last name. If authors have the same last name, alphabetize by last name, first initial.  
  • Do not include titles, positions, or ranks in the authors name.
  • Include the first 20 authors. If you have more then 20 authors include the first 19 and then et al. for the remaining authors. 
  • If citing a group author, use the entire group name.
  • For social media entries, use the real name the author or group followed by their username or screen name in brackets. For example: Garcia-Navarro, L. [@lourdesgnavarro].
  • If a source has no author or group author, move the title to the author position and alphabetize it accordingly in the reference list. 
  • Enclose the date of publication in parentheses followed by a period. For example: (2020).
  • If the date of publication includes the month and/or day then put the year first, followed by the month first and/or day separated by a comma. For Example: (2020, July 18). 
  • If the publication date is unknown or cannot be determined, list the date as n.d. (which stands for no date). For example: (n.d.).  
  • Follow the guidelines in the examples to determine how to cite the title and source information as this will vary depending on what you are citing. 


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