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APA Style Guide 7th Edition


In the following order include:  Title page, Text (Main body), References

Optional (after the reference section): Footnotes, Tables (if not included in the main body of the paper), and Appendices.  

Title Page 

Sample Student Paper Title Page (In pop-up) 

Include the following: 

  • Title of the paper - Bold, centered, upper portion of page (4 lines down from top). 
  • Author - One blank double-spaced line below the title. 
  • Department/Division of university 
  • Course number and name 
  • Instructor 
  • Due date 
  • Page number in upper right of header 


Text (Main body) 

  • Start on a new page after the title page. 
  • On the first line of the first page of text (main body), include the paper title, centered and bold. 
  • Text should be left aligned and double spaced. 
  • Indent the first line of each new paragraph .5 inch. 
  • Use headings when needed. 
  • Include page numbers on all pages (including the title page) in the right hand corner. 


  • Start your reference list on a new page at the end of your paper/presentation. 
  • Centered and in bold, label it as: References. 
  • Double space entire reference list. 
  • Left hand justify the first line of each entry and use a hanging indent of .5 inches for all additional lines.  
  • Order each entry alphabetically by the authors last name. If authors have the same last name, alphabetize by last name, first initial.  

Optional element: Footnotes 

Footnotes are brief notations providing further detail. Footnotes can include: content notes further explaining an idea or copyright attribution or information. Footnotes can be include in the Text (main body) of the paper or on a separate page after the references.

In-Text Footnotes 

  • When you want to include a footnote, use a superscript number (ordered consecutively throughout the paper) in-text following any punctuation mark except a dash. 
  • One the same page, use the footnote feature in your word processor. Include the footnote number  and the explanatory text to place at the bottom of the page. Use a 10 point font and single spaceing for footnotes in-text. 

Example In text

When saving images two good options are Jpeg and PNG.1

Example bottom of page 

1 Jpeg images use a compression algorithm which merges similar pixels to create a more compact image but it loses data in the process. PNG uses an algorithm that saves all the image data in the compression process. PNG is considered a loss less image format. 

Footnotes at End of Paper 

  • When you want to include a footnote, use a superscript number (ordered consecutively throughout the paper) in-text following any punctuation mark except a dash. 
  • At the end of the paper after the References page, start a new page. Center and bold: Footnotes. 
  • List the footnotes in numerical order. 

Example In text

When saving images two good options are Jpeg and PNG.1

Example at end of paper 


1  Jpeg images use a compression algorithm which merges similar pixels to create a more compact image but
    it loses data in the process. PNG uses an algorithm that saves all the image data in the compression
    process. PNG is considered a loss less image format. 


You can embed your tables and figures in the body of the paper or you can include them at the end of your paper after the references and footnote sections. If you include them at the end, use one page per table and figure. 


  • Appendices include information the author would like to include in the paper but would be distracting or inappropriate for that section. 
  • Start on a new page after References and Footnotes. 
  • If there is only one appendix, center and bold: Appendix. 
  • If there are more than one appendix, center and bold each appendix on a new page: Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C. 
  • Follow all guidelines for text, tables, figures, and images that you would for the main body of the paper. 




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